Edward's Environmental Home Improvement Blog

Edward's Environmental Home Improvement Blog

  • Growing Pains: Three Problems Tackled By Bush Regeneration, and How They're Solved

    Few countries boast a natural environment like Australia's. With its vast open spaces left to the wilderness, you may think that this is one country in which humans are just borrowing the land, and it's still largely taking care of itself. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Unfortunately, human interference has caused a great number of problems for the bush, and it's in sore need of protection to ensure that these habitats remain preserved for future generations—and for their own sake.

  • Benefits You Reap With Scheduled Air Conditioning Maintenance

    Since air conditioning systems are an integral piece of equipment in Australian homes, it would be vital for homeowners to ensure their units are not causing adverse harm to their household or environment. However, what some people do not keep in mind is that neglecting to care for their units and operating faulty air conditioning units that consume excessive amounts of power could be severely detrimental in the end. For this reason, it is imperative that homeowners invest in air conditioning maintenance from time to time to minimise the risk of their units causing potential problems.

  • Factors to Consider When Purchasing Top Soil for Your Garden

    When you are planning to plant flowers or vegetables in your yard, it is common to find that the soil in the garden does not have adequate nutrients to support a good yield. In this case, one of the best choices you can make is to buy topsoil from a local supplier. The topsoil sold in the stores is just like what you have in your yard, but it comes with manure and nutrients that will promote overall plant health.

  • Choosing the right fire extinguisher for your business

    Fire extinguishers are a vital part of your business' fire safety plan, but not all fire extinguishers are the same. In order to find the extinguisher that's right for you, you need to know the difference between the different classes of extinguishers and anticipate the types of fires that might occur in your workplace.  Different classes of fire Different types of fire extinguisher exist because different types of fire exist. In Australia, these different types are separated into six categories.

About Me

Edward's Environmental Home Improvement Blog

How are you? My name is Edward and I'd like to kick things off by giving you a warm welcome to my new blog. I started blogging about 5 years ago. Since I started out, I have developed a real passion for putting down my thoughts and feelings on different subjects. The subject I will be talking about on this blog is environmental home improvement work. I recently moved to an older property and decided to bring it into the 21st century by installing some green energy devices. I have learnt lots of cool things from the contractors who carried out the work which I will be sharing with you here.
